Multiple pet households can be incredibly rewarding…
But also stressful and chaotic. Especially if it seems like some of your pets just can’t get along.
So what can you do to create harmony?
Here are a few essential tips for a peaceful home for you and all your pets.
Take It Slow
If you’re just embarking on your multi-pet adventure…
Or simply considering a new addition to your house…
You want to take it slow. Especially when it comes to the introduction between your pets.
Start by allowing them to sniff each other’s belongings. Like a toy with their scent on or their bed.
And when it comes to their first meeting…
Keep your dog (or dogs) on a leash. As for cats… Make sure they have a safe escape route.
It’s always best to keep these first meetings short and sweet. Gradually building up their time together as you go.
Personal Space

Just like humans, animals love having their own personal space.
And your cats or dogs are no exception.
Before you introduce both into your home, it’s best to create a safe space for each of your pets.
Their own ‘calm corner’, where they can retreat and feel 100% safe.
For dogs, this could be a cosy bed in a quiet corner.
For cats, a high perch or even a separate room can be ideal. Including of course their litter box.
Just make sure they can access these spaces easily. Without needing help from you.
Extra tip: Keep their food and water bowls in separate areas. At least in the beginning.
To help avoid any competition or jealousy.
Feeding Fun
Meal times can be challenging at first.
Which is why it’s best to keep their food and water bowls in separate areas. To help avoid any competition of jealousy.
Some dogs might even be tempted to sneak a few bites of cat food!
So you might want to keep your cat’s food in a higher place, where your dog can’t reach it.
What’s more, sticking to a set feeding schedule can also make things easier. Reducing stress for everyone involved.
It’s A Boundary
When it comes to multi-pet homes with dogs… Training is essential.
Practice commands like ‘leave it’ or ‘stay’ can come in handy when preventing unwanted interactions.
And don’t forget to always reward your dog’s good behaviour around the other pet.
For cats, vertical spaces are ideal…
Think cat trees and scratch towers. Where they can easily observe the other pets from a safe distance.
And when it comes to playtime… Make sure you supervise their first interactions.
Some pets may eventually learn to play together. While others might prefer separate activities. Pay attention to their body language and respect their preferences.
Routine and Consistency
Pets thrive on routine.
So, try to keep feeding, walking, and playtimes consistent each day.
This will help reduce any stress and make your pets feel more secure.
You might also want to schedule individual time with each of your pets. So you can spend quality time with each of them…
Whether that’s a special dog walk, a cuddle session or a game of fetch.
This will help prevent jealousy. Helping your pets feel loved and valued.
Multi-Pet = Multi-Fun!
A multi-pet home can be a unique adventure… Full of ups and downs.
But with patience, clear boundaries and a bit of extra planning…
You can create a harmonious space where dogs and cats can truly thrive!