Thinking about giving your dog a bone?

But want to know which are good and which to avoid?

This week Michael Lazaris shares his thoughts on the and the bad of dog bones…

Which Bones Are Best?

One of the best things to help narrow down and find the a healthy dog bone for your pup is to figure out what not to feed them.

Here’s what goes on the do not get list:

• Never feed cooked bones. These can splinter, causing internal damage or intestinal obstruction – which can be life threatening.

• Always make sure the bones are fresh to avoid food poisoning. One way you can do this is by keeping them in the fridge when your dog isn’t chewing it.

Don’t feed small bones which can be swallowed in one go, as this can lead to choking or an intestinal obstruction.

• Try to avoid pre-packaged meat and bone products as they usually contain preservatives, which can be harmful to dogs .

Many raw hides and bone treats are also heavily processed and contain preservatives also so avoid those where possible.

That being said there are a few bones that are high quality, healthy, and highly recommended for your dog.

And the best of those to give to a dog is a human-grade, meaty bone such as chicken wings or lamb flaps.

These bones are a great way to get all the benefits of feeding a proper bone, without the harmful effect others can have.