Dog owners have to make many decisions for the wellbeing of their dog.

One of those big decisions is where they should sleep.

And a lot of dog owners have different opinions about which way is best.

But are some sleeping arrangements better than others – or is it all down to your personal preference?

With so much information out there, it can be hard to decide.

Today we’ve put together this post to help you decide where your dog should sleep – from puppy to adult.

So that you can both get the rest you need in the most comfortable way.

Where Should My New Puppy Sleep?

A new puppy’s first night in your home will be stressful and confusing for them.

You might think that your puppy is settling in well if they have enjoyed playing all day.

But the night time is dark and long and they might begin to miss their mum and littermates.

That’s why it can be a good idea to have your puppy sleep in your bedroom the first few nights that they’re home.

Even if you don’t plan on making this a permanent set up.

This way, they won’t feel too far away from you.

As the nights go on, you can start to move your puppy’s bed or crate away from you.

Gradually getting closer to your preferred location.

Make sure the location chosen is warm, dark and comfortable.

This is because your puppy’s sleeping place should be somewhere that they feel safe.

Fill their bed or crate with blankets and a soft toy, which will help them to settle down and feel comfortable.

Including a toy that smells like their mother is also a good idea to encourage this.

Should My Dog Sleep In My Bed?

There are many arguments for and against dogs sleeping in their owner’s beds.

And whichever side of the fence you fall on, it’s important to understand the pros and cons.


There are many pros to having your dog sleep with you in your bed.

You might feel more relaxed and at ease having your dog sleep next to you.

And if you live on your own, your dog can provide you with an extra layer of comfort and security at night.

You might also like having them there to cuddle and stroke after a difficult day…

And the bond between you and your dog could be strengthened.


Of course there is also another side of the debate, and some people don’t recommend having your dog sleep with you.

A few dog owners think that letting your dog into your bed can cause behavioural problems, because it gives the dog a sense of self importance.

However, there is very little research or evidence to back this up.

Another reason for not letting your dog sleep in your bed is hygiene.

Many people don’t like the idea of sharing their bed with a dog who walks and plays outside. This is because they could pick up germs or dirt that could transfer to the bed.

There is also an argument that some dogs could pull or chew bedding.

Light sleepers might also want to avoid having their dog sleep with them.

Dogs fidget and move around – lots! And they make lots of noises while sleeping. All of this could wake you multiple times during the night.

Whichever you choose – make sure it suits you.

Should My Dog Sleep In A Bed Or A Crate?

It is largely down to personal preference whether your dog sleeps in a crate or a bed.

It can also depend on your dog.

Some dogs will feel more secure and comfortable in a crate.

The enclosed space will allow them to relax and settle down. You could also add blankets over the top of the crate to help with this.

Crates can also make it easier to take your dog on holidays or trips with you.

This is because you can just pick up the crate and take it with you, blankets, toys and all. So when you get to your destination, your dog should feel just as comfortable as they do at home. 

On the other hand, some owners prefer to have their dogs sleep in a bed.

A dog bed is ideal to allow your dog some freedom a night while also giving them somewhere to settle down and sleep.

If your dog is well trained, a bed could be a good choice.

And many pet parents like to start with a crate when their dog is a puppy, but move onto a bed later.

This means that your dog won’t have the run of an entire room or floor of your home while they’re still being trained.

Where Should I Put My Dog’s Bed or Crate?

You will probably have a good idea of where in your house is the best location for your dog’s bed.

It should be somewhere warm, and away from drafts.

Ideally, dog beds should be placed in a quiet location so your pet can settle at any time of the day.

If you have children, this should be somewhere they don’t play.

You could also place multiple beds around your home, to give your dog a choice of where to sleep.

Good locations for extra beds include the family room or home offices.

This means that your dog can be in your company while they sleep.

Choosing The Right Type Of Bed

If you’ve decided that your dog is going to sleep in a bed, there’s just one more question.

Which should you choose?

When deciding, you might want to take the following factors into consideration…


With so much variation in size between dog breeds, it’s important to make sure that you select the right size bed for your dog.

The perfect size bed should be big enough that your dog can curl up inside it, and also stretch out into different positions.


There are several different types of dog beds.

Round dog beds, with sides, are good if your dog likes to curl up to sleep.

If your dog likes to lie flat, mattress style beds might be the best option for them.

In the winter, round beds can sometimes be better to keep your dog warm in colder temperatures.


Dog beds should always be made from a soft, comfortable material. 

They should also be washable to allow you to keep them clean and hygienic for your dog.

If your dog enjoys chewing, it might be a good idea to get a robust bed that will withstand this.

Making A Decision…

At the end of the day, where your dog sleeps and which bed you choose to provide for them depends on both of your preferences.

You might prefer the security and company of having your dog sleep in your bed.

Or a dog bed in a different room could be best.

The key is to tune into your dog and family’s needs and preferences.

So that everyone is comfortable and happy.

The right choices will mean a good night’s sleep for all involved…
