Your Pet Nutrition - Page 13 of 16 - Blog

Busting The Dog Bathing Myth

There’s one myth about dogs that doesn’t seem to go away. That’s the one about baths being bad for a dogs skin. Tracing the origins of it, it comes from a time when bat ...Read More »

Buying A Dog Crate & Bed

Sleep is an important indicator of good health for humans and dogs. For dogs a good rest helps both behaviour and energy. The right mattress and crate are quick ways to impro ...Read More »

Do Dogs Sweat?

Running.. Jumping… Rolling Around… Everyday dogs do activities which would drench a human in sweat if we were to do them. But have you ever wondered if dogs sweat? ...Read More »

Why Are Some Dogs Always Hungry?

To wolf it down is a saying people with pets know all too well. There are certain dogs that will eat… and keep eating anything that you put in front of them, unt ...Read More »

Do Dogs See Colours?

If you’ve wondered how dogs see the world you're not alone. For years scientist have been trying to understand if dogs can see colours. And if they can see more or less than humans. Read More »